GLCUSBC September 2020 Association Newsletter Tournaments Bertrand Lanes will host the GLCUSBC’s 27th Annual Senior Singles and Doubles Tournament. New for 2020 is a Super Senior Singles division for bowlers 75 and older! This event will offer four squad dates: September 26th, 27th, October 3rd and 4th, 2020. Check-in will start at 12:00 PM. Walk-in entries will be permitted subject to lane availability. Participation for this event will be limited to four bowlers per pair for greater social distancing. The current face mask rule for Bertrand Lanes is the full use of a mask while in the center. Bowlers can remove the mask while on the approach bowling each frame. The mask must be replaced once you step off the approach. We offer one squad per day. Bowlers can decide to bowl all six games in one day or bowl the Singles and Doubles events on separate days! GLCUSBC Director Kenneth Robinson is the tournament director for this year’s event. Mail entries to: GLCUSBC Senior Tournament, PO BOX 1181 NORTH CHICAGO, IL 60064-8181. If you have questions please E-mail: [email protected] Follow this link to download this event’s Entry Form. Youth Tournament Lakes Bowl will host the GLCUSBC 2020 Youth Championship and Illinois Junior Gold Qualifier event on October 18th and 25th, 2020. The championship event will feature four divisions based on the bowler's average. Example: Singles Event A - Division: 181 & Over B - Division 141 - 180 C - Division 101 - 140 D - Division 100 & Under Please review the rules on the entry form for the Team and Doubles events Divisions. Squad Times for events Team - 1:00 PM Doubles - 1:00 PM & 3:30 PM Singles - 2:15 PM & 4:45 PM Youth Championship Flyer The Championship Singles event will once again feature the optional Illinois Junior Gold Qualifier. Entry is open to all of the girls and boys across all age divisions. Bowlers must be entered into the Championship Singles event to be eligible for entry into this optional event. Junior Gold Qualifier 2021 Flyer The Youth event has an entry deadline of October 10, 2020. WALK-IN entries will not be offered for either of these events. Fall Leagues, Membership, and COVID concerns. Traditionally league bowlers acquire their annual membership when joining a fall league. The GLCUSBC knows there are bowlers who are going to decide to sit out and not bowl during the 2020-2021 season while sharing they might consider joining a mid-season league or bowling in one of the association’s various tournaments. Event rules are being updated to respect the legacy of participation in our association so that bowlers can bowl in 2020-2021 season tournaments all while not bowling during the current season in a certified league in our association. Please note, you will still be required to become USBC certified members in order to bowl these events at the local, state, and national levels. An easy option is to visit the website of the United States Bowling Congress directly! The USBC has provided a way for you to become a new member or renew an existing membership. Additional Details about USBC Membership and the Join Now link If the league you bowled in last year resumes bowling this season, talk to the league secretary. The league kit provided by the local association included a pre-printed membership card from your participation last season. You can update this card and provide payment to the league for submission to the Association Manager. This option works well if you think you might rejoin this league at some point during the season. The local association also offers Unattached Membership you can purchase directly. Download this Membership Application, send it and $25.00 to the Greater Lake County USBC, 611 Country Trail Court, Island Lake, IL 60042 USBC Adult Membership Application
The GLCUSBC will be updating association events to create additional squads and limiting bowlers on the lanes during events in order to maintain the required social distancing limitations. Face mask rules will be strictly enforced subject to current local and state health official guidelines. If you have any questions please use the contact details found on our website. Comments are closed.