Welcome to the Waukegan Womens Bowling Association's Archive page. Here you will find any information pertaining to those who served in office or as a Director during the years the association was active.
While the listing is small this is all the information that the current Association has access to but with your help you can fill in the gaps to ensure we have listed everyone who has served the Waukegan Women.
Do you have any interesting facts, old newspaper articles, details about past persons who served on the WWBA board not listed here? Please e-mail us any of your findings.
Board Of Directors
Wendy Artman | Teresa Bond | |
Brenda Cornell | Cindy Gerjol | |
Monica Gerjol | Donna Hodap | |
Catherine Huber | Betty McCann | |
Nanette Niday | Myrt Stauche | |
Linda Wilcox | Sherry Bickett | |
Marilyn Bailey | Mary Jane Browne | |
Jerline Gardner | Gloria Hanson | |
Ruth Lange | Kathy Maki | |
Marge Merlo | Merilee Miller | |
Peggy Rommel | Linda Ryder | |
Pam Seremak | Angie Tomaino | |
Carol Voight | Debby West | |
Donna Pannone | Ann Christian | |
Sandi Schreier | Nori Eder | |
Joan Knockel | Cynthia Wilson | |
Erin Beck | Toni Vela | |
Amy McBee | Shanon Sharp | |
Ashley Bevins | Sharon Hansen |