Hello League Officers,
Final Averages League Secretaries, please let me know if you want me to send you your league's final average report via email or snail mail has to be made. Forward your request to me here at [email protected]. Reminder: All final averages must be submitted to the local association within 15 days of the completion of your season! If you need an updated league membership roster to review who you have collected membership fees from this season I can send you this report. Summer Leagues I will be printing up membership cards next week and distributing these to the local centers soon. If you are building a new summer league or resuming leagues dropped before COVID let me know. Please circulate this next information throughout your league for the membership. The Annual Meeting for the GREATER LAKE COUNTY USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION will be held on SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2022, at LAKES BOWL, 601 RAILROAD AVE., ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS. Registration will begin at 1:00 pm with the meeting will commencing at 2:00 pm. All bowlers/youth holding a membership in the Greater Lake County USBC Association will have voice and vote privileges. (Youth bowlers must be 14 years of age and above to attend) We will be making additional posts about this on Social Media, our website, and flyers in your local centers. This meeting is the only Public Access forum for the GLC board and membership. The proceedings include elections of your local board, bylaws that govern your local association, and a town hall for our memberships questions to learn more about the sport of bowling and your local association. Please mark the date on your calendar to attend! Thank you, Michael Jacobs -- Association Manager Greater Lake County USBC - 86729 611 Country Trail Court Island Lake, IL 60042 Comments are closed.