Child/Adult 9 Pin No-Tap
The 2024 Child/Adult 9-Pin No-Tap Doubles Tournament will be held at Raymond's Bowl in Johnsburg, IL
This event is Sunday, October 20, 2024, check in 12:00 pm and starts at 1:00 pm Early entry is absolutely encouraged as this event has typically sold out!! This event offers four age divisions: Bantam: years 8 and under Prep: Ages 9 - 11 Junior: Ages 12 - 14 Major: Ages 15-18 This event does NOT require the adults to be USBC members and coaching is allowed during this event. Adults will be given a score of at least 200 per Game/600 Series. All pinfall recorded over 600 will be added to the teams final score. Please review the entry form for additional rules. This flyer will be in your local bowling centers and can be downloaded from our website by clicking on the tournament flyer image. |